Mariana Osoria to Step into CEO Position at Gads Hill Center

Mariana Osoria to Step into CEO Position at Gads Hill Center

October 2, 2024 minutes

To the Supporters and Partners of Gads Hill Center:

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Mariana Osoria as the new CEO of Gads Hill Center, effective October 16 2024. Please see below the announcements to our Staff for more details.

We at Gads Hill are proud to continue our work with you to fulfill our mission of creating opportunities for children and their families to build a better life through education, access to resources, and community engagement.

Once Mariana is in her role at Gads Hill, she will be reaching out to share more of her passion for Gads Hill Center and itsMissiondirectly with you. We remain grateful for your support and partnership with us!


Jim Brett
President, GHC Board of Directors

To the Staff & Employees of Gads Hill Center:

The Board of Gads Hill Center is pleased to announce that it has hired Mariana Osoria as our new Chief Executive Officer. She will begin her tenure on October 16.

The Board recognizes the passion that each of you have for our mission and your dedication to the children and families we serve. We know that is what allows Gads Hill Center to create positive change in our communities, and we are extremely grateful for all you do.

Most recently, Mariana has served the City of Chicago in the Mayor’s Office as First Deputy of Human Services. Prior to that, she was at Family Focus for 17 years.

Initially a volunteer at Family Focus, Mariana eventually joined the organization's team as Assistant Center Director, then Center Director, and eventually Vice President of Centers from 2015–2020. She finished her last three years there as Sr. Vice President of Strategy, Policy & Equity. Family Focus’s mission, values, and programs are well-aligned with those of Gads Hill Center.

Mariana also remains active as a Commissioner on the Cook County Commission on Women’s Issues, as a Truth and Racial Healing Practitioner, a Latino Agenda member and board member for a Federally Qualified Health Center. All these activities demonstrate her understanding of the whole person and the systems that support families.

“I am grateful for the opportunity to lead Gads Hill Center and work with the committed and talented board, leadership team, and staff. It is and has been my life’s work and honor to serve immigrant, Latino, and Black families to support the dreams they have for themselves, their children, and their community.

I look forward to partnering with team members, and the families we serve to create opportunities to build strong and robust lives. I am especially excited to follow in the great footsteps of Maricela García, who grew the organization during her tenure to expand our services to more families.”

From Maricela: “I welcome Mariana and am confident that she will be a great leader for Gads Hill. I am excited to see where she will take the organization in the coming years and will continue to support her and Gads Hill.”

Maricela García
Chief Executive Officer

La Junta Directiva de Gads Hill Center se complace en anunciar que ha contratado a Mariana Osoria como nuestra nueva Directora Ejecutiva. Comenzará su mandato el 16 de octubre.

La Junta reconoce la pasión que cada uno de ustedes tiene por nuestra misión y su dedicación a los niños y las familias a las que servimos. Sabemos que eso es lo que permite a Gads Hill Center crear un cambio positivo en nuestras comunidades, y estamos extremadamente agradecidos por todo lo que hacen.

En su mas reciente empleo Mariana ha servido la Ciudad de Chicago, en la Oficina del Alcalde como Primera Diputada de Servicios Humanos. Antes de eso, estuvo en Family Focus durante 17 años. La misión, los valores y los programas de Family Focus están sumamente alineados con Gads Hill Center. Mariana inicialmente trabajó como voluntaria en Family Focus antes de formalmente unirse como Directora Asistente del Centro, luego Directora del Centro y, finalmente, Vicepresidenta de Centros de 2015 a 2020. Terminó sus últimos tres años allí a nivel executive como Vicepresidenta de Estrategia, Política y Equidad.

Mariana también es/ha sido activa como Comisionada en la Comisión de Asuntos de la Mujer del Condado de Cook, como Practicante de la Verdad y la Sanación Racial, miembro de la Agenda Latina y miembro de la junta de un Centro de Salud Federalmente Calificado (FQHC por sus teclas en ingles). Todas estas actividades demuestran su comprensión de los sistemas que rodean la persona y que son necesarias para apoyar a las familias en sus totalidad.

“Estoy agradecida por la oportunidad de dirigir el Centro Gads Hill y trabajar con la junta directiva, el equipo de liderazgo y el personal comprometidos y talentosos. Es y ha sido el trabajo y el honor de mi vida servir a las familias inmigrantes, latinas y Afro-Americanas para apoyar los sueños que tienen para ellos mismos, sus hijos y su comunidad.

Espero trabajar con los miembros del equipo y las familias que servimos para crear oportunidades para construir vidas fuertes y robustas. Estoy especialmente emocionado de seguir los grandes pasos de Maricela García, quien hizo crecer la organización durante su mandato para expandir nuestros servicios a más familias.”

De Maricela: "Doy la bienvenida a Mariana y estoy segura de que será una gran líder para Gads Hill. Estoy emocionado de ver a dónde llevará a la organización en los próximos años, y continuaré apoyándola a ella y a Gads Hill."

Maricela Garcia
Directora Ejecutiva

Gads Hill Center, a social service organization established in 1898, creates opportunities for children and their families to build a better life through education, access to resources, and community engagement.