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3rd Annual "Team Work Makes The Dream Work" Golf Outing

November 28, 2022
On Aug. 5th, 2016 Gads Hill Center and the Hispanic Business Network of Chicago hosted our third annual Team Work Makes The Dream Work Golf Outing. Raising over $15,000 total to support Gads Hill Center's programs for children and families, an all-time high for the event, we are grateful to all of the attendees and supporters who proved that teamwork really does make the dream work!
In addition to playing their way through 18 holes at Village Greens of Woodridge, attendees had the chance to win over a dozen rousing raffle prizes, networked over lunch and dinner, enjoyed games on the course, and learned about the mission and work of Gads Hill Center.
We offer special thanks to the 2016 Golf Outing Sponsors:
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Despite early morning clouds, the sun was shining by the time golfers got on the green. Check out the photos from this day of summer fun below. We look forward to seeing you next year!

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